What are the leadership skills and its impact on organizational performance?

 The objective of any organisation isn’t just to endure, yet in addition to support its reality by further developing execution. To address the issues of the profoundly competitive business sectors, associations should constantly expand their performance. The role of leadership is basically significant for accomplishing the exhibition of organisations.

Moksh Popli, an entrepreneur and business consultant based in NewYork collected some personal observation on impact of leadership skills on an organisation. With over a decade of experience in different industries, Moksh Popli highlighted some facts of leadership in this blog.

A leader performs different roles in order to achieve worthless goals and works on how to identify such goals,  and also to motivate and direct employees of the organization to attain specific goals.

There are various qualities that a leader must possess in order to uplift the organization. Some of the skills and qualities are as follows:

1.             Effective decision making: To plan and execute it depends on the ability of the leader of effective decision making. Effective decision making involves defensive avoidance and collecting information about the cost and use of every alternative and then working on them in order to select the most effective cost.

2.            Objectivity: it is very important to examine every situation before making decision. Objectivity means how a leader looks at the issues and problems- rationally or irrationally.

3.             Perceptive: this is the ability to discover the realities of one’s environment. In order to support the goals and work on them efficiently it is essential to know the objectives and goals of the whole organization.

4.             Human relations: Human relations means developing interpersonal relationships. That means leader must belong to a group. These relationships help the leader to earn respect in the organization.

There are numerous researchs done on studies related to leadership behavior in order to differentiate the values, motivations and other personalities to be a successful leader. Leadership is examined through various perspectives, personality context and nature of the organization.

The main organizational performance to be impacted by the behavior of a leader are:

·         Change in sales volume

·         Return on investment

·         Earning last four years

A leader who is oriented toward the structural style would highlight the tasks and goal-settings clearly. That leader will be more likely to introduce the ideas and assign duties and tasks to the group to examine their actions. This kind of leader sets demanding standards and encourages competition among employees.     

Research methodology

Research is done to demonstrate the impact of leadership on any organization performance and help them to achieve the goals. Collection of two types of data is used to enhance the performance.

1.             Primary data: It is the data collected by researchers for particular research purpose which includes observation records, questionnaire responses, interview.

2.             Secondary data: It is the existing data used by the researchers as they don’t require to work on new information. It is collected from survey data, social trend figures.

Quantitative research method

Quantitative research method includes statistics and numbers only. It is used to determine highs and lows, rankings, and averages.

Qualitative research method

Qualitative research method is used to obtain information about values, behavior, social context and opinion of particular populations.

Organisations are made for specific purpose and agenda. People join organisations to fulfil their needs, to enhance the growth and help them to achieve the goals. So it is very important for a organization to have a leader who build an organisation that runs effectively and match the expectations and desires of the subordinates.

Leadership is filling in significance, especially in light of the flourishing development market and the shift toward worldwide tasks and worldwide venture groups.

Since the world is changing and in light of the fact that issues and tasks are turning out to be significantly more perplexing, one can presently don't expect to be that a sole executive can tackle all issues without anyone else.

No individual can manage the entirety of the present fast changes, cutthroat dangers, and heightening client requests. All things considered, effective leadership should saturate the organisation.


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