Status Of Indian Economy And Its Effect After Lockdown
As the novel Coronavirus looms large on the Indian economy, its effect has been felt in domains such as unemployment, disruption of supply chains, and the stock market. The lockdown and quarantine though being the savior of the moment, has momentarily frozen the fastest-growing Indian economy. Moks h Popli is a proficient business consultant based in New York. He feels that the ongoing pandemic has no other parallel except The Spanish Flu of the early 20th century. Going by his conservative estimates, the ongoing period of extended lockdown can cost anywhere between 230 to 250 billion USD to the Indian economy. This harsh time of lockdown is particularly affecting Tourism and hospitality, IT companies, Global value chains, Logistics, and every big and small business in the country. There is a growing realization in the market that the pandemic can prove fatal to the Indian economy. It is already reeling under the stress of diminishing demands, high unemployment, and...